Alaska Sockeye Salmon Fishing

The Most Abundant Salmon in The Togiak River

Sockeye salmon are hands down the most abundant and hardest fighting salmon for their size. Guests will have the opportunity to target Sockeye during our June and July Multi-species season, where you will have the chance to catch four out of the five species of Pacific Salmon (Kings, Sockeye, Chums, and Pink Salmon) as well as Dolly Varden, Sea Run Dolly Varden (Also known as Arctic Char) and Trophy Alaskan Rainbow Trout. In recent years, the Togiak River has had over one million returning Sockeye Salmon. Like Silver Salmon, Sockeye turn into acrobats once they are hooked. They have the reddest flesh of all Pacific Salmon due to their diet in the ocean consisting of mostly plankton and crustaceans.

Sockeye filets keep the longest in the freezer when compared to the other four members in the Pacific Salmon family. Sockeye begin returning in early July and run though the middle of August with the peak being the last part of July.

They make a wonderful afternoon option after chasing Kings in the morning. The limit is five sockeye per day on the Togiak.

Alaska Sockeye Salmon Fishing Photos

How We Target Togiak Sockeye Salmon

Sockeye are known for their timid and finicky nature. We employ a variety of methods on the Togiak to entice these seemingly unwilling fish to bite, many days with great success. Targeting sockeye requires many tactics to be available and at the ready depending on the mood of the fish. Float fishing 1/8 oz steelhead jigs, ultra light spinners, spoons, micro jigs, and back trolling small dining plugs or the classic Alaskan Flossing Method.

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