Native Rainbows
The Togiak River is a hidden gem when it comes to native Alaska Rainbows. Starting in early June these fish are hungry from the long winter and will feed on salmon smolts and are known to be aggressive towards top water mice.
As the King, Chum and Sockeye salmon migrate upriver, the Togiak River Rainbows are right on their tales anticipating single Salmon eggs as they begin to Spawn. Late into July through September Togiak River rainbows will continue feeding on eggs and decaying Salmon carcasses. A six-weight fly rod with a floating line is the perfect sized fly rod for these trophy fish. They are primarily targeted with egg pattern flys, flesh flys, beads and small twitchin jigs.
Alaska Rainbow Trout Fishing Photos
How We Target Togiak Rainbows
Rainbows in the Togiak are targeted based on their forage base, which varies throughout the summer. Generally early in the season, smolt pattern streamers, and large mouse pattern dry flies are very affective. As spawning salmon fill the river, single egg patterns and beads become the go to for large rainbows. As the season progresses, and dead salmon accumulate, flesh patterns and smolt patterns become increasingly affective. In general though, the Togiak rainbows are very aggressive and can consistently be caught with a variety of methods.